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Live turtles and fish to carry around on your key ring is a cute idea. Not so cute, though, for said turtles and fish.
According to Chinese media, the hottest new fad in China involves selling small live-animal key chains. The little turtles and fishes are sealed up in airtight plastic key rings, and sold as trinkets.

Live Turtles Sold as Keychains in China

So how do you feed an animal in an airtight container? The answer: You don't. Vendors reportedly spew off some hodge podge about the water being nutrient rich, but it's not true. The animals, if they're lucky, get to live for a few days. Unfortunately, the whole shebang is legal.

Live Fish and Turtles Sold as Keychains in China

It's sad but true — animal cruelty laws barely exist in China. It was only just recently that the country banned animal circuses, which was a fairly unusual step. Zoos would often make animals perform unimaginable tricks, while dishing up their flesh as exotic entrees at the zoo restaurant.

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